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Support the Navy Special Operations Memorial & Wellness Area and be a part of history by becoming a Plank Owner! 


Your Plankowner contribution will go towards the building and maintenance of a memorial that honors our fallen Navy Special Operations heroes and provides a place of mindfulness and healing for those who are still among us.


What is a Plank Owner?

A Plankowner is any individual, company, or organization who commits to $5,000 or more through an outright gift or pledge to the NSO Memorial Project prior to the completion of construction. 


Contributions of $15,000+

  • Individual or company name prominently displayed at the NSO Memorial
  • Inclusion on all print advertising
  • Recognition during Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
  • Large, limited edition N1 or R1 Wall Hanging
  • Exclusive posts on social media platforms


Contributions of $7,500+

  • Recognition at Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
  • Large, limited edition N1 or R1 Wall Hanging
  • Inclusion on select print advertising
  • Exclusive posts on social media platforms


Contributions of $5,000+

  • Recognition at Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
  • Inclusion on social media posts
  • Replica Brick with Individual or Company name and logo

Plank Owner Donation | The NSO Memorial

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